Seachem Alkaline Buffer

By Seachem

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Alkaline Buffer

Alkaline Buffer

Product Description

  • Alkaline Buffer is a non-phosphate buffer designed to raise pH and alkalinity (KH) and buffer with Acid Buffer.
  • These buffers are designed for the planted aquarium or for very hard water where phosphate buffers may pose an algae or cloudiness problem.
  • Alkaline Buffer raises pH and buffers between 7.2 and 8.5. It is gentle, safe, and enhances the freshwater environment.

  • Why It's Different

    What distinguishes Alkaline Buffer from other buffers is that it does not contain phosphates. This makes it ideal for the planted aquarium, where excess phosphate could contribute to undesirable algae growth.


    To increase pH, use 1 teaspoon (7g) for every 80 L (20 gallons) daily until desired pH is reached (this dose raises alkalinity by about 1 meq/L (2.8 dKH)).

    In order to adjust pH gradually, use Alkaline Buffer with Acid Buffer.

    When using Alkaline Buffer & Acid Buffer together to target a specific pH, utilize the suggested ratio chart. This chart is based on use in RO or RO/DI water and ratios may need to be adjusted for use in tap water.