DOOA Terra Base L


The DOOA Terra Base is a real innovation from DOOA, for a particularly innovative look of your Wabi-Kusa. This lovingly crafted clay product opens up the possibility of bringing a striking piece of rainforest into your living room and keeping small orchids, ferns and mosses that otherwise grow on rainforest tree trunks in a state that comes close to their natural habitat. The Terra Base is planted with mosses and epiphytes (by binding or glueing) and placed e.g. in the Neo Glass AIR. The plants are supplied by filling the Terra Base with water, which seeps through the pores of the pottery and also provides a cooling effect during the warm summer days through evaporation. The plants can also be sprayed with DOOA Wabi-Kusa Mist. The Terra Base is available in three sizes.

  • Tropical tree for the living room
  • Natural conditions for epiphytes
  • Lots of available surface for epiphytes and mosses
  • Looks best with DOOA Neo Glass AIR
  • Very simple setup with maximum optical effect

DOOA Terra Base L
Length 280 mm
Diameter 116 mm